Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rubbish and more

So i do have to say one of the other things that has been really hard to get used to is all the trash eveywhere! I understand that there is not a major municipality that goes around and collects everyones rubbish/trash. But seriously everyone throws garbage anywhere at anytime. So there is garbage all over the place. even our school yard, wrappers from candy, papers, old desks are throw "out" back... town is just as bad. There are garbage cans but most just throw it on the ground. At our house we (well not me) but the house help burn all of the trash in a field that is next to the house.

I do have to say that one of my favorite things here are the sunrises and sunsets. Yes i see both on a daily basis. On my way to school i see the sunrise and the back of my house looks out across a large open field and in the distance are the mountains. they remind me of the foothills of the Rockies. the sunsets are spectacular... there is usually a few wispy clouds which reflect the light and it is really nice. So i make it a point to watch it every night.

Today at school was hysterical. So i went over to a class of 12 graders in their Life Orientation class. They were out in the school yard with their teacher... playing some sort of game. They were clapping and singing a very rythmic song. On one side were the girls and on the other side the boys lined up. Basically, one group (we will say the boys) the lead boy wispered in there ear who their "partner" was and then each girl one by one would walk over and have to try and guess who their partner was.... it was actually really entertaining to watch and you really got ot see the personalities of each student. Who is shy, who is goofy... etc. well i should know better than to be curious about several african kids gathered to sing/ clap and dance... b/c soon you will be asked to dance. Yes before i know it... the class was singing and clapping for me to dance... so here i am dancing for 40+ 17 year olds... it was actually a lot of fun and the kids got a kick out of it. Thankfully i dont mind dancing b/c i can see someone else being just motified by it.

So i have really become fond of my daily tea time with two of the teachers. One is the woman i share and office with and she and i are becoming fast friends. Everyday at 10 am we gather for tea, bread, fruit etc. really quite nice.
And i still have lunch with the all male group outside. So as i mentioned we pay for the lunch in one lump sum at the beginning of the month. and everyday 2 girls bring over our food and we all gather and eat and then when we are done these 2 come and clean up the plates etc. Yes i have a major problem with the fact that two of the students are getting my food and cleaning up after it. But if i try and help they scold me. In general, around the house, around school etc... anyone younger than you is expected to do these things. But i definately do my best to clean up after myself to eliminate all of this.

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