Friday, July 17, 2009

Kruger National park and more

So it looks like most of my lastr blog did not get published.. ahh the joys of the internet around here. :) at least i have it.

So last weekend the other 8 volunteers and i went to Kruger national park. Much like our national parks except filled with lions, elepahnts and girrafes.. oh my! It really was amazing. I loved every minute of it. African elephants are HUGE... and when you see one right next to your car.. holy cow... massive! we also saw girrafes and antelope on our game drives.
One evening we took a boat ride to see animals and we saw hippos and crocodiles... which made truely believe Steve Irwin was crazy to want to try and man handle those animals. But lucky us we had the 2008\2009 tour guide of the year, literally, on our boat. He is south african and happened to be on holiday so we got a free tour! hooray. this guy knew is stuff. I cant even begin to tell you everythign i learned from him. wow and big bonus he and his wife invited me to stay with them when i am done up north if i wanted to come and see there area more! love these south african people,. so friendly and welcoming.
Overall it was a great weekend to experiance a differnt part of SA

Oh so every morning on my walk to school at 6:30 am... one of my favorite things is the "camp fire" smoke and smell in the air. everyone lights up there fires early in the am and there is always a little haze in the air. the women of the house are out sweeping there drive ways at this time as well... i just found out that sweeping with a broom is symbolic to show they are married and this is their house. As i walk everyone greets me, waves and smiles.
These Venda people truely are very kind and warm people.

But it does get lonely. I am having lots of fun but it is still tough, b/c of the second language barrier... and sometimes i can tell my humor just doesn't quite make it. Sometimes you wish you coudl just explain yourself further but realize you can't or that i am just not making sense.

Oh so when the 20 year olds cant join me for a run.. my 11 year old brothers have quickly jumped in to replace them. :) the other day i was off down the road and a couple minutes in i hear foot steps behind me and low and behold it is Patatshezo... and he caught up to me and 2 others did as well.
Then once home they followed my every move as we stretched.

Which reminds me. Several night ago we were all out around the fire laughing etc. And Zjudo, was "stretching" i look over " Christa! i am training!!" so i came over and we promtly began to do yoga poses... yes Jamie i hope you are reading this b/c then i have 6 boys all lined up next to me in Downward Dog. Ha! next were handstands, back bends, etc. We were all laughing so hard by the end...
Who needs mother tongue when you have yoga!

1 comment:

  1. Favorite blog yet! We all new it was only a matter of time. Sounds like you are having an amazing experience and I can't wait to see pictures and hear stories upon our return. What is the closest town and what is it like?
