Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pap and such

So if i ever repeat stories, sorry, it is hard to remember what i have told you and you all are also probably accustom to my poor spelling and typing. :)

I get asked often what my staple food is? Huh? i eat somethign different eerynight... well here it is porriage... Pap. And pap is a corn based substance... not runny. it is cooked over and open fire and stired vigorously, which is very hard b/c the viscosity of this stuff is ridiculous. But when it is done it is eaten at every meal with everything, chicken, sausage, beef, you name it. it doesnt have much of a taste but sure fills you up.

one of my favorite things about this place is that when i walk home from school or where ever in the afternoon. Music is blasting from most homes. I have a nice sounds track all the way home... reggee, gospel, house, african dance... it is great! yes i have purchased cd's for you to hear some of the music i hear on a regular basis.

We ride in taxi's when we want ot come into town, which is about 8-10 or so miles i am guessing.. no sign to tell me so i am guessing. and when i say taxi it is not like the american taxi cab you are thinking of.... oh no! it is about the size of a Euro van and we cram.. i mean cram people, babies, children, cargo, food, luggage, chickens (live)... into this thing. personal space no longer exists on these things. i think the record we hit was 23 adults and 3 babies, and who knows how much cargo! it is always entertaining.
These guy.. the taxi drivers love to listen to music as well. each taxi has a personalized name written on it.. for example "Doll Eyes" or " Be Happy" etc... and we have began to know which ones play the best music. well the other day i had the middle seat between a local and the driver and I started singing along to a song that was playing. they loved it... soon the three of us were laughing and singing to the song. Venda people love to laugh... so even though i cant always get an entire conversation.. we can usually find something to laugh about.

So my house does have Tv with a few channels. Since i have not had Tv for the last year I always just watch what they have on... First off WWE . yes american wrestling federation... the one hulk hogan was on... they LOVE that here. I have been asked "who is your favorite wrestler" i didnt know that still even exsisted. so fun to sit and watch it with the 11 year olds.
Who also have a favorite kung fu movie... it is so bad. i think it was made in the late 70s early 80s and it is dubbed over in english and bad english translation at that... the fight scences are priceless... i have now seen parts of it about 5-6 times.
Soaps are also huge here... there is one i can handle "Generations" which is on every weekday night. the plot isnt too bad and i actually think that i will have to text my sister here to keep me updated when i leave :)

Also, i have finished my winter class... and big kudos to all of my former teachers, all my friends and family who are or were teachers. Eh... it is hard hard work.

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