Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to life... back to reality...

Well i have been finished for a little over a week now. I came back to "civilization" Yoh, it is a suprise to come back to a big city and see all sorts of people.

I spent the first weekend with my program directors and saw more of Joburg. We went to Soweto, which is where the kids started protesting against the gov't b/c the were being forced to have class in Affricans... in a poorly abridged version of the story... the police opened fire on the kids and killed several. I went to the memorial there , really amazing story... this happened only a few years ago.
Then on Sunday i went to an all day concert. ALL south african bands... fantastic. Once again i was the only white person, but just coming from Venda i was used to it,... but the other concert goers, I clearly suck out to them... my program director actually noticed it first...made the comment of how even in the city it is segregated and that it is sad that it isnt integrated ...
But I had a fantastic time, got up and danced regardless of everyone watching me... and soon many around us we having me going them to dance in their groups... heaps of fun

Then i just got back from Being down near Durban on a beautiful dairy farm. Visiting with a friend's family. Very relaxing...

So only 1.5 days left here and i am flyign back. Landing in Chiacgo on Thursday afternoon. Yes i am so excited to get back and see family and friends and ride my BIKE! but Yoh... i really love africa... it is true about the saying they have here," once Africa is in your blood..."

See you on the other side.