Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The itsy bitsy spider...

Okay so not so itsy bitsy... this thing was easily larger than my fist... and it was in teh house! on the door to my sister's room. and i am not kidding you it freaked me out. I am not scared of spiders or so i thought... but this thing i was so freaked out. Thank god my brother , Zwido was there. he had killer aim with his shoe and killed it with one throw. Ahhh... this is why i need boys around.

Speaking of Zwido, he is 16, and cracks me up. he is always smiling, or singing, or dancing ... but can fix anything, the truck, the clothes iron dropped on the floor and broke, so he took it apart and fixed it! miracle... just overall quite clever.
Yesterday, i was out for a run and started by myself... and all of the sudden i am a 1/3 of the way in... "Christa!!!" and here comes Zwido... okay these boys have got to stop catching up to me... very demoralizing.. just kidding. I loved it so i had a buddy the rest of the way. I am so going to miss my Venda family. I have really been invited to be one of them... (sigh)

Ahh tea time with my teachers... have to run... Cheers everyone.
Oh thanks again for all of your thoughts and comments, great to hear from everyone. I think of you all often!

1 comment:

  1. ah yes, gigantic spiders are charming aren't they? sounds like you have had an awesome experience! enjoying the blog, miss kathryn and i have you in our thoughts.
