Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doctor Doctor... give me the news....

So yes, was very ill in northern rural south africa. And it is not fun trying to explain illness to people who english is their second language and disease isnt really understood. Keep in mind it is believed that if you are stung by a scorpion you need to find it and kill it or otherwise ... i dont know you hand will fall off.. and people still frequent witch doctors.

I went to the doctor and for $25 i saw the doc and was given heaps of drugs! i am not kidding like 20 pills a day.... i then drop the anitbiotic he gave me and took the stronger US version my dad sent me with... i couldnt hold out any longer the pain was a little too intense! I was tired of being in bed after 4 days... so thank you modern medicine.

Also, i am realizing what a blessing it is to have clean drinkable water. My house is lucky and has running water, but i have to boil everything i drink... and when you are sick and barely can walk... this is a real pain in the butt. But i survived adn i am probably a better person for it.

Oh also, god bless our house help. Yes i think i mentioned that we have house help, most people in SA do afterall. and she was amazing. Brought me hot tea and juice, bread and food, though i did eat much for about 4 days. BUt ahhh couldnt have survived without here.

Also this woman is amazing, she can get stains out of anything!!! i went hiking up a mountain here... a large hill for colorado people, and my shoes were stained red from teh soil... no need to fear WaPeggie, snatched them up and poof they look brand new. i am not kidding. She also pressed all of my clothes... ALL... including my underwear... that is a first for me. The house is cleaned everyday and the dishes washed... quite nice. So yes i have not really done much for myself in about 3 months. I do make my bed every morning, which i think is a first in my life...

As i mentioned a couple of the volunteers and i went for a hike last week. there is a moutain range... near us so we hike up. it was definately steep, but only about an hour hike. climbed up on some narly rocks... and also i am used to more of a worn out path.. well people have to hick up part of the hill with 10 litters of water on their head... so i dont think they want ot "recreate" up the thing any more... so clearly the path isnt used all that much. But wow the sight was amazing and had so much fun! made me miss CO.

hmmm what else. Oh so i basically think the school system is so out of wack it is insane. It is a damn miricle when these kids pass b/c they have 600 things working against them. First off they have ALL their test in english, but it is their second language and they have not nessicarily been taught it since they were kids so are starting classes in their teenage years. So here kids are expected to take a test in another language... which cover chemistry, math etc... so all their time in the test is focused on trying to just understand the question much less answer it... really unfair.
They work so hard and want to do well, but so much is against them.
Okay enough of my rant.

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